Our Disclaimer
Herbs and Helpers ®️ undertakes to supply products that are fit for their purposes as accepted within the trade and practice of herbal medicine. Herbs and Helpers ®️ takes no responsibility for misuse, abuse or incorrect storage/care of products once in the customer’s care and can not be held liable for incorrect usage or application, this is down to the practitioner’s discretion. Also compliance with laws pertaining to products supplied is the responsibility of the practitioner purchasing the product according to the laws in his/her own country. Products which are prohibited in the UK will not be supplied to UK practitioners. Any herbal products in the shop are sold without any claims attached and you are advised always to seek the advice and guidance of a qualified practitioner before using. Any information supplied on this website is intended for interest only and does not purport to offer guidance/advice on treatment for any particular conditions or make any health claims. If you need advice about any condition then please visit a qualified practitioner near you. Purchases from this website are subject to our Terms and Conditions.
Copyright Notice
The contents of this website are © Herbs and Helpers ®️/Lorraine Hodgkinson. Any copying or incorporation into any other work of any part of the material on this website in any form is prohibited provided that you may print or download extracts of material on this website for your own personal use or copy the material or otherwise utilise the material for the purposes of sending to individual third parties for their own personal information provided that we are acknowledged as the source of the material and you inform the third party that these conditions apply to them and they must comply with them.
Privacy Policy
Herbs and Helpers ®️ comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, the requirements of the Information Commissioner and with ISO 9001:2008 Clause 4.2.4 Control of Records. Our data processing is notified to the Information Commissioner. If you wish to see our Data and Records Security Policy on your visit then please ask.
Herbs and Helpers ®️ is committed to protecting the privacy of customers and the confidentiality of the personal information with which our customers provide us.
- We will never sell personal information or share personal information with third parties unrelated to it.
- We will use the information we collect to serve our customers in the following ways:
- If you become a customer of our services your name, e-mail address, address and other information are kept by us solely for the purposes of fulfilling your order and maintaining adequate accounts and quality control records.
- We may also use your details to contact you from time to time by e-mail or post to let you know about any updates to the website or special offers.
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Email:- info@herbalmedicineuk.com
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HERBS AND HELPERS ®️ | Lorraine Hodgkinson AHG MRCHM | 43A, Melbreak Avenue, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 9AE. UK. | Tel: +44 (0) 1900 826392 | Text: 07761 489838 | Email: info@herbalmedicineuk.com | VAT no: GB 366828748