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EHTPA HerbMark Collective Mark Regulations
The HerbMark collective mark for the EHTPA (European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association) – Trade Mark No: UK00003186507; Applicant Ref: HerbMarkapplication
This collective mark is designed to be used only by herbal practitioners (also known as phytotherapists and medical herbalists) who are full members of a Professional Association (PA) that is itself a member of the EHTPA (European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association) and who are practising within the United Kingdom. The collective mark will be allowed to be used on promotional material (e.g. leaflets, business cards and websites) and on prescription labels.
At the current time the following PAs are members of the EHTPA: the British Association of Tibetan Medicine (BATM), the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy (CPP), the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM) and the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners (URHP). However this list is subject to change, after voting of the EHTPA Council at a pre-announced meeting of Council members, in line with the published EHTPA Memorandum and Articles of Association.
If a member of an individual PA is expelled or does not renew membership of their PA, and that member does not rejoin another PA within the EHTPA, then they will no longer be allowed to use the HerbMarkcollective mark, and that member will be asked in writing to cease using the mark on any advertising, prescription labels or other material. If a PA is expelled or leaves the EHTPA, its members will no longer be able to use the HerbMark collective mark, unless they rejoin another PA within the EHTPA. Failure of a practitioner to stop using the mark when requested will result in a further letter of warning being written to the member, and if necessary, legal action will be taken against them to stop them using the mark.
It is a condition of use that the HerbMark mark shall not be used by practitioners without clearly indicating that it is a collective mark.
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HERBS AND HELPERS ®️ | Lorraine Hodgkinson AHG MRCHM | 43A, Melbreak Avenue, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 9AE. UK. | Tel: +44 (0) 1900 826392 | Text: 07761 489838 | Email: | VAT no: GB 366828748