Herbs and Helpers ® Herbal Services and Solutions Herbalist Herbs Supplier Chinese Herbal Medicine Granules EU Certified
Kaiser Pharmaceutical Company (KPC) EU Certified Chinese Herbal Products: Extract Granules Formulas | Single Herbs | Tablets (Licensed Food Supplements)
Medichin EU Certified 5 : 1 Single Herb Extract Granules (200g)

We offer full total traceability, for your safety as well as the highest quality tested products in the business.

We look forward to receiving your orders and anticipate your satisfaction with our products.

Herbal Services and Solutions | Established 1993

The Herbalist | Lorraine Hodgkinson AHG MRCHM

“Quality Herbal Treatment With Chinese & Western Herbs Undertaken”

Over 30 years Experience Practising in Cumbria | Qualified | Insured | Professional

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