(NaturalNews) Obesity and weight loss have become major issues again. This time, the focus is more on health than appearance. The weight loss era of fad diets encouraging artificial sweeteners and margarine while discouraging healthy fats is dwindling.
The more visceral fat you have surrounding your abdominal cavity organs, the more vulnerable you are to metabolic syndrome leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), various coronary diseases, and some cancers.
Those fats do more than surround or suppress internal organs, they can also excrete toxins.
You can determine your obesity levels from the first three sources below. Whether you are simply overweight, marginally obese, or morbidly obese, you can adjust your life style eating habits and try some or all of the following natural remedies.
(1) Eat slowly without tension or anxiety and chew more than usual, allowing salivary enzymes to accrue. Put your attention on the food more than rambling mind or people chatter. Digestion begins in the mouth.
(2) Eat out much less and completely avoid fast food joints. Avoid fried foods.
(3) Eliminate most sugars and all HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), which may be disguised as corn syrup. HFCS is worse than sugar for creating stored fats and affecting the liver adversely.
Refined carbohydrates from processed flours and grains are only a short hop away from sugar with their glycemic index ratings. So if you do grains, make them whole grains.
(4) Avoid food additives. Artificial sweeteners are unhealthy and cause neurological damage, even brain cancer. And they don’t work. Check out all the obese heavy diet soda consumers. MSG has a list of disguises. (http://www.truthinlabeling.org/hiddensources.html)
It is also a neurological excitotoxen that endangers your brain and nervous system while making you want to eat more dead food.
(5) A half or more lemon or lime squeezed into a half cup or more of warm water without sugar after waking up helps stimulate the liver and aids digestion. Some allow honey or maple syrup, but for fat loss, it’s probably better without any sweetener.
With or before meals, a couple of tablespoons of raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar helps digestion. (http://www.naturalnews.com)
Hydrate with purified water sufficiently throughout the day. But mealtime isn’t the right time for lots beverage that will dilute your gastric juices.
(6) Cayenne and green tea help burn fat. Here’s more on cayenne. (http://www.naturalnews.com)
(7) Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory that helps burn fat as well. It may be one of the healthiest inexpensive herbs available. Here’s more on that.
(8) Don’t bother with no or low fat foods. They often contain sweeteners that create fat. Obesity has risen since that false solution came upon us. But do avoid processed hydrogenated oils. Margarine is one of them.
Eat healthy fats, especially those with omega-3. It’s been discovered that people lose body fat with high healthy fat, good, adequate protein and minimal carbohydrate ketogenic diets.
(9) Vitamin B is important while trying to rid fat. Vitamin B3, better known as niacin, if consumed enough to get a flush often with increasing dosages, has been discovered to break open lipids (fats).
The danger is getting rid of those toxins as the lipids break open. Those toxins can be eliminated by sweating from exercise dressed warmly or in a warm, humid climate and/or simply sitting in saunas.
(10) Here’s the serious solutions section. If your metabolism is sluggish, you may be sufficiently iodine deficient to warrant supplementing with iodine or eating seaweed or kelp as food or extracts.
If your liver is sluggish, you may need to try coffee enemas for a while. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026289_coffee_enemas_enema.html)
If that belly fat won’t budge, as in wheat belly, maybe you need to cut out all gluten wheat and grain products. (http://www.naturalnews.com/038699_gluten_weight_gain_wheat_belly.html)
Juice fasting is an intense solution. Juicing veggies for several days can give you a serious fat loss breakthrough while keeping you alive and healthy but maybe a tad hungry. (http://www.naturalnews.com/038371_juice_cleanse_max_gerson_health.html)
Sources for this article include:
BMI calculator: http://www.cdc.gov
Obesity overview: http://voices.yahoo.com/what-definition-obesity-7163250.html?cat=5
Obesity determination formula detailed: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/123702-overview