INFO ALERT Brexit - What does it mean?

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INFO ALERT Brexit - What does it mean?

Post by herbsandhelpers »

INFO ALERT Brexit - What does it mean?


To all our European friends and customers please be assured that Herbs and Helpers will continue to work to EU standards regarding our products:

All KPC Chinese Herbal Products

Currently all these items meet or exceed current EU standards, we are happy to provide EU certificates with purchases if needed to verify this. Please be assured that no problems are anticipated regarding export, I don't think the EU can refuse it's own certificate!?!?!

All Sinophyto Raw Herbs

Currently all these items meet or exceed current EU standards, EU certificates are automatically provided with each purchase to verify this. Please be assured that no problems are anticipated regarding export, I don't think the EU can refuse it's own certificate!?!?!

All Organic Pullulan Capsules

Currently these items meet or exceed current EU standards, EU certificates can be provided with each purchase to verify this if needed. Organic certification is provided via USA and proof is automatically sent with each purchase. Please be assured that no problems are anticipated regarding export, I don't think the EU can refuse it's own certificate!?!?!

Potential Issues

We are hoping that the UK will continue to benefit from free trade with the EU, however in the case of tariffs being imposed then a review of prices is likely.

Lorraine Hodgkinson AHG MRCHM
