Immune system

Information provided for interest only. Always consult your GP/MD or practitioner regarding any health issues or treatment.

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Immune system

Postby herbsandhelpers » Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:00 pm

IMMUNE SYSTEM: A very complex system in the body consisting of many different tissues designed to protect and eliminate threats. Involves our day to day ability and resistance to disease, often coded for in our genes and matured throughout childhood. Can turn against itself in auto immune conditions, attacking the body. Some persistent viruses/infections can deactivate it e.g. ME, AIDS. Can be adversely affected by stress, adrenal gland exhaustion, inappropriate stimulation (allergies etc.)

DIET: Tackle any food sensitivities. Check any defiencies of vitamin C, zinc, vitamin B complex, iron. Fresh fruit and vegetables.

Always consult your GP or practitioner for diagnosis regarding any changes you may have noticed in this area and before considering changing your diet/lifestyle.
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