Why do British universities still give 'scientific' credibil

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Why do British universities still give 'scientific' credibil

Postby herbsandhelpers » Tue May 26, 2015 6:18 pm

Why do British universities still give 'scientific' credibility to Homoeopathy?

Prince Charles is not the only one giving support to alternative medicine's quackery - and it isn't always harmless

On the face of it, last week's revelation that the Prince of Wales wrote to the government in defence of homeopathy is probably one of the lesser lobbying scandals of our time. There may be no scientific evidence for homepathy's claims whatsoever, but if the Prince and others with more money than sense want to waste their cash on harmless quackery, at least no-one else comes to grief.

Or do they? Next time he writes one of his "black spider memos", the Prince might like to think about one of the other converts to British homeopathy: President Yahyah Jammeh, the dictator-in-residence of the tiny West African state of Gambia.

Like the Prince of Wales, Mr Jammeh, who rejoices in the official title of "Excellency Sheikh Professor Doctor President", has long been a fan of "alternative medicine", although it's fair to say he represents the disreputable end of the market.

A few years ago, he horrified international medical opinion by opening his own clinic offering a herbal cure for HIV. And in 2009, he was accused of forcing 1,000 villagers to eat a potion of hallucinogenic plants - not for its herbal "healing" properties, but as a punishment for a curse that a local witchdoctor is said to have put on his aunt.

Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh prays while administering his alleged herbal HIV cure to a patient

Yet despite also being a sworn anti-colonialist - he says all Britain ever did in 300 years running Gambia was teach the song " baa-baa blacksheep" - he has now rolled the red carpet out for a British homeopathic group, the Gambia Wellness Foundation, which is run by some of Britain's top homeopaths.

As I reported earlier this year in The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Jammeh has not only put them up in a grace-and-favour house belonging to one of his ex-wives, he has let them set up their own network of clinics in the Gambian bush. Their website talks of treating everything from malaria and dysentery through to snake bite, burns, and even traumatised teenage rape victims.

It's a rather friendlier arrangement than Mr Jammeh currently has with the Commonwealth, from which he withdrew abruptly two years ago on the basis that it was a "neo-colonial institution". But it also allows homeopathy's harmless crankery to become potentially dangerous.

It’s one thing to have it as "complementary medicine" in Britain, where there's the NHS to fall back on. It's another thing entirely to have it in places like Gambia, where there is precious little basic medical care for it to be "complementary" to. As aid projects go, you might as try to dig wells using a water diviner.

And as Professor David Colquhoun, a pharmacology expert at University College, London told me: "These are serious and treatable conditions and people should not be distracting from the efforts to improve things by giving people worthless remedies."

In its defence, the GWF told me that they always make it clear to patients that their medicine is homeopathic, nor do they expect people to take their cures to the exclusion of "mainstream" ones.

Yet distrust of mainstream medicine is quite enough of a problem as it is in West Africa, where belief in witchcraft is still widespread. I've seen the very tragic consequences of that myself while reporting on the recent Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Thousands of cases of the virus have gone unreported - and untreated - because people assumed it was the work of evil spirits, rather than a virus identifiable in a science lab.

Misguided though they may be, the GWF's activities at least appear well-intentioned. What I do find deplorable, though, is the way British universities have been willing to confer academic respectability on their activities.

£4 million a year is spent on homoeopathy in the UK

For while investigating the GWF, I discovereed that one of its founders, Marcus Fernandez, is also principal of the Centre for Homeopathic Education, a private college in London that offers a "Bsc in Homeopathy" that is "validated" by Middlesex University.

In other words, a publicly-funded university that claims to offer a "world class education" is validating a science qualification in a subject that many will view as going against all scientific teaching.

Who is responsible for this surreal state of affairs? Sadly, when I rang Middlesex to ask for an explanation, they declined point blank, saying it was "not a subject we wish to comment on". Which seemed all the more surprising, given that its deputy vice-chancellor, Richard Middleton, was once director of operations for the Gambian office of the Medical Research Council, the British government agency that has funded 30 Nobel Prize winners in the past century, including the development of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming. Its mission statement? To improve the health of people around the world "by supporting excellent science".

As it happens, universities themselves have mostly chosen to stop offering degree-level courses in homeopathy, partly as a result of campaigns by doctors like Prof Colquhoun, who views it as "intellectually dishonest and a contradiction in terms".

• Homeopathy on the NHS to be reviewed

However, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills told me that since each university is an "autonomous" body, it can validate any course it wants. And perhaps more to the point, it also generates the university concerned a few quid in the process.

Which is perhaps excusable when it's merely flattering the egos of a few of the Prince of Wales' fellow homeopaths. But when it dignifies their quack medicine in a part of the world that has already had a bellyful of it, that's surely another matter.

Source: The Telegraph
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