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Postby herbsandhelpers » Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:09 pm


Used since ancient times, hyssop is full of virtues. Popular with beginners as much as confirmed foodies, this sun sip plant is nonetheless an exceptional mine of benefits to the body. Expectorant, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antiseptic … The list of therapeutic hyssop is long. Here is an overview.

Hyssop the microscope

Mentioned in the Bible for use in purification rituals, there are also traces of hyssop indicating its presence and its use among the Greeks and the Arabs there are many centuries. It must be said that this plant scrubland particularly enjoy the Mediterranean climate and sunlight that allow it to develop its innumerable benefits. In ancient times, this perennial plant was already used to treat pleurisy and bronchitis while it was used by fumigation during the plague epidemics. Mainly cultivated in Europe and North America, hyssop began with seduce the palates of food lovers with its undeniable aromatic, before unveiling its herbal properties and to establish itself as an herbal remedy in itself.

The properties of hyssop

Hyssop can be used by both external and internal way. Applied to the skin, the plant distills undeniable healing benefits while its anti-inflammatory effects can relieve rheumatic pains and bruises. But it is administered internally as hyssop is most effective, particularly for conditions bronchi or lungs. Featuring expectorant and fluidifying properties, hyssop is often recommended by herbalists to treat hacking cough or benign attacks the upper respiratory tract: sinusitis , ear infections , asthma secretory, flu , rhinitis … On the other hand, hyssop has amply demonstrated its digestive and antispasmodic power, its antiviral and antibiotic or antibiotic and its bactericidal action. On the psychic level, the plant is often used to treat depression.

Composition and Use

These are the flowering tops, leaves and, more rarely, the roots of the hyssop that are used in herbal medicine. These parts contain the active ingredients of the honey plant that are diterpenes, flavonoids, phenolic acids, choline or triterpenes. Hyssop is commercially available in various forms: essential oil, herbal tea, fresh or dried leaves … Their choice depends primarily on the desired application. To treat lung or bronchial disease, the infusion of flowering tops will be privileged while the essential oil will be shown to relieve rheumatism or pain secondary to trauma. However, be careful not to use pure essential oil on the skin as it is dermocaustic. Diluted in a hot water bath, it will be just as effective and offer the added bonus of its relaxing properties.

The precautions

If there is a natural plant, hyssop does not mean benign. As such, its prolonged use or as part of an existing drug treatment should be subject to a prior medical advice. Indeed, the essential oil of hyssop is known for its neurotoxic and abortive properties that should perfectly know and master. A too high dosage, hyssop may cause seizures and vomiting. This is why the use of hyssop, in any form, is strictly prohibited in pregnant women (or breastfeeding) in infants, people with epilepsy, but also in people with great nervousness. In terms of drug interactions, it is not advised to consume this plant in parallel with an anti-epileptic treatment, diabetes or immunosuppression.

Source: Siver Times
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