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   Sep 15

How to properly use capsaicin for natural pain relief

Every now and then we all suffer with some sort of pain. Some of us our go-to relief is just a pill away. However, those of us that want to stay natural and use natural remedies might think of all the natural ways in which pain can be alleviated. There are many ways but one of the best natural pain relief products is a capsaicin product. Usually, capsaicin comes in the form of a cream so that it can be rubbed on the affected areas. Some people have been documented as curing their headaches by putting some capsaicin in their nostrils, but I do not recommend that.

Capsaicin rubbed on your head, maybe the temple area, will alleviate head pain, though. Those of you that have used capsaicin before and have not gotten any relief from it, what did you think? Some may have thought that a miracle cure was in the hands and just using the cream on the affected area a few times would do the trick. Problem is, most people know what to use for natural pain relief, but they have no idea HOW to use it. Just like a lot of herbal teas take weeks to really get in your system and work well, capsaicin also has to be used a while before maximum reward is gained.

How capsaicin works is as a nerve desensitizing agent. Capsaicin temporarily desensitizes painful nerve receptors in your skin called C-fibers. Pain is gone for 3 to 5 weeks while they regain their sensation. Almost 40% of arthritis sufferers cut their pain by half after using some capsaicin cream for 30 days, and 60% of neuropathy sufferers found the same relief after 60 days, according to a University of Oxford study. If you are in the market for some natural pain relief and want to try capsaicin as it should be used, I suggest you use 0.025% to 0.075% cream that capsaicin in it one to four times a day.

Just remember, you will need to use it for up to 2 weeks before really seeing it work. After that, you should use it for up to a month, as long as you are not getting any skin reactions. Some people will see mild reddening of the area, if it gets too bad, you might not be able to use such a strong cream OR you might not be able to use it at all. Over all, natural remedies do not just mask the pain. That is what most pharmaceutical drugs do. Natural remedies get to the root of the issue and heal what needs fixing and the pain naturally goes away.

Source: Examiner.com

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