While the brand names can be numerous, detox teas and those advertised as aiding in weight loss generally carry many of the same ingredients. One of those ingredients is the chemical senna, a laxative. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) notes that senna is approved for constipation, but beyond that there may be concerns for its use as an ingredient as a weight loss aid.
Many products, including the Laci Le Beau Super Dieter’s Fast Dissolve, contain an extract of senna leaf. The formulation is considered by the American Herbal Products Association to be more corrosive in upsetting the bowel lining that induces defecation. Over the long term, or for more than two weeks, the NIH notes that the ingredient used in teas for weight loss can “cause the bowels to stop functioning normally” and even require the ongoing use of laxatives.
In addition, the extract has been linked to the upset of electrolyte balances and hypokalemia, or insufficient potassium, a condition that has been known to cause heart problems and even muscle weakness. However, these side effects of weight loss drinks may not occur for many men and women. What is of concern to class action lawsuit lawyers is whether or not these products are effective.
Consumer advocates are investigating claims that the supplements did not work as advertised and that consumers either were unable to lose weight or in extreme cases, actually gained weight even while using the detox tea products. Products currently under investigation by consumer advocates include:
1) Other Laci La Beau items
2) 3 Ballerina Tea Dieter’s Drink
3) Dieter’s Nutri-Slim Tea
4) Breezy Morning Dieter’s Best Super Diet Tea
5) Panax Ginseng Dieter’s Delight Slim Tea
Men and women who tried these weight loss teas and either suffered from side effects due to the senna extract or did not get the benefits they saw advertised may have legal options available to them. Learn more by visiting the Detox Tea, Weight Loss Tea Class Action Lawsuit Investigation today. While there, people who are considering pursuing a jury award or settlement can fill out the short form there for a no-cost case eligibility review with one of our partner diet tea lawsuit attorneys.