Food and drink containing phenolic acids could help defend against post-menopausal breast cancer.
Women who eat and drink coffee, fruit and vegetables may have a boosted defence against breast cancer, according to new research.
A study found that a diet full of phenolic acids reduced the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer.
Red wine, coffee, fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain phenolic acids.
Rich sources include raspberries, blueberries, apples, citrus fruits, plums, onions, cocoa and wholewheat, rice, corn and oats – as well as coffee and red wine.
The research, presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Glasgow, looked at the link between phenolic acids, including hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids, and breast cancer in 11,028 women.
During an average follow-up of almost 12 years, 101 cases of breast cancer among the group of women were identified.
All the women completed a food questionnaire at the beginning of the study recording how often they ate different food items.
Researchers split the women into three groups according to their intake of phenolic acids.
Those with the highest consumption of hydroxycinnamic acids (a naturally occurring type of phenolic acid) had a 62% reduced risk of breast cancer compared with those with the lowest intake.
Chlorogenic acids, a type of hydroxycinnamic acid found in coffee, fruits, and vegetables had the strongest effect and those eating the most of those had a 65% reduced risk compared with those consuming the least.
The study was led by a team from the University of Navarra and the University of Jaen in Spain.
The researchers said the diet could possibly reduce fat tissue inflammation or resistance to insulin.
Dr Kotryna Temcinaite, research communications manager at Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now, said: “We’ve long known that eating fruit and vegetables as part of a balanced diet can help lower your risk of breast cancer by helping you maintain a healthy weight.
“While this study helps suggest a potential mechanism behind this benefit, further research is needed to understand the effect that phenolic acids found in foods such as fruit, veg and coffee may have on breast cancer risk.”
She said she does not recommend drinking large amounts of coffee to try to reduce your breast cancer risk.
Source: Sky News