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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am


Post by bmadmin »

Major Upgrade

It has been decided that the next upgrade will be via the latest Access 2016 version. This will mean a more modern better visual environment, better features, potential to be web based.

Things to consider:

All users that purchased a full license will be given a free upgrade and support to start using the new version.
New version will only work on Windows 7 and higher.
It will continue to be a standalone desktop version which does not require any Office or Access to be purchased to use fully.
It will include all the new features below.
Gives the potential to use a SQL database format and therefore supports future development as a web accessible application.

The next update will be:



Looking into blockchain technology to provide a permanent, secure, immutable part of dispensing records. Also is it relevant to look at for traceability on a wider scale beyond BM? It's the future!

Some screenshots of upcoming release (Best viewed in a separate tab):

New Easy Access Tabs with significant loading speed improvements. Choose Your Customised Colour Background - Open in separate Tab to view

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Clear White Tabbed Forms showing data input required. With optional in context help boxes - Open in separate Tab to view

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Buttons Grouped on Tabs for easy access. Custom Select items for view/reports - Open in separate Tab to view

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Improved Tab layout/extra features - Open in separate Tab to view

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Final Testing - Helpfiles will be completed but rest of Appointment system at a later date to avoid any further delay on this new release. New GMP area will also be completed.


Full review and overhaul of current Helpfiles. Due to many recent additions (13.3.3) and updates the Helpfiles need to be re-organised, condensed and re-written to remain useful and efficient for users to improve access and usability.

Using GMP or GMP ready. Modular approach for release of stock after delivery, dispensing procedures, making products. Each allows attachment of as many Tests, tables/pictures/diagrams in connection with procedures forming part of your GMP manual. Each test/procedure/image/document added has room for notes. User and overseer selected at start, release/any issues need to be ticked/filled in by each as the process proceeds. Bin system can be used to quarantine newly arrived stock, implement release (or rejection) per product. Add your own procedures per operation for dispensing and making up (Master Formulae) of products etc which creates a Data Log Sheet. Data Log Sheets stored against each product/batch or Order on Supplier screen (including any additional tests/COAs, reasons for rejection etc, Product Made and new GMP Order/Procedure/Log area for dispensing. Data Log Sheets are stored/created per product on GMP tab and refer to stored SOPs. Each Data Log Sheet can be printed blank to fill in away from computer. Once completed on screen then finished report is permanently stored for future reference and as a record. Final sign off needs both users to tick, Data Log Sheet can printed and signed also if needed.

Appointments to any calendar via iCal/ics file. Appointment manager on Sales Order selection screen allows you to create/check/alter/delete and confirm appointments or reset defaults. You can then create iCal/ics files to save on your computer/send via email. These can then be imported into the calendar of your choice by direct import or via email attachment. Filtered report shows all appointments made. Appointments can be for same time as long as location varies.
It is suggested that all appointments are managed/entered into your device or online calendar then manually updated into BM using above built in appointment system. This is to protect BM data from any contact with Internet. If needed any BM appointments can be converted into iCal/ics files which can then be used to update your calendar as needed.

License Self Management. Looking to move management of your current licenses to being totally web-based, online. This will mean an interface where you can see your current licenses and using your Removal Code generate your own new Activation Code for whenever you need to move Batch Master PRO to a new computer etc.

Work is already complete on:

Pop Up Help as you tab per field, forms resized and improved to fit with dashboard.

Log Documents area improved and updated.

Stock Admin for any products with Expiry Dates greater than or less than today's date and one year, Admin user can access and amend Expiry Date and Manufacturer data. All changes recorded as Overlabelling in Supplier Purchase Order notes and Audit.

Automatically add Delivery address if no Delivery address added or chosen then the user/customer address is automatically inserted.

Admin Sales Order any orders done in the last seven days can be brought back into 'Order' for editing if needed. Ideal for when you just hit the invoice button and have forgotten something. Needs Admin log in only, must give a reason for changes, all recorded in Audit.

Credit Notes can now view Credit Notes, Balance and Total amounts for Credit Notes from View Invoices screen. Payments improved allowing only Credit Note amounts to be applied up to current Balance. PayPal added to list of payment methods.

Customise Background by setting to any colour or choosing a logo/image.

Modern Look: NEW top menu for easy access to main BM functions. All main screens load at start of application for quick access.

Business Monitor Tool significantly speeded up with additional reports and ability to instantly limit by Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year, All with a single button press. Other reports open with date set to today to speed loading.

Create Appointments from return visit on Sales Order. Whenever you select a number and days, weeks, months or years, form opens to this date with Customer name to create appointment, view calendar, view per day. You can add subject, location, time, notes (Customer name, Telephone number and Email address automatically added to Notes) etc. Appointments can also be made directly by double-clicking Calendar or Day view. Appointments listed on Calendar/Day View can be clicked to edit further or deleted. Calendar report shows all currently booked appointments.

DSHEA settings allow for unlocking of ingredients/sections whenever product quantity is 0. This means it should no longer be necessary to create a new product when ingredients change. Product record and Audit record ingredient changes therefore maintaining total traceability for any new batches produced. DSHEA area separate from Product including enhanced adjustments for DSHEA labels recording individual settings for each product. Also displays/highlights area being adjusted.

NEW! Bin/Location system: On Delivery or via Bin/Location manager on Stock (live batches) and Supplier screens (received batches) you can now add/modify a particular location for a batch. e.g. If you keep part of your stock in a separate locked stock room or make up in a work room etc. or transfer it somewhere else temporarily. Bin/Location only applies to the whole batch or whatever remains. Therefore on Delivery you may want to enter split batches if you need to divide up into separate locations. All details will be identical and BM does not allow duplicate batch entries therefore we suggest a suffix to the manufacturer or batch number. e.g. 3L of same batch entered as 3 x 1L, shipment number must remain same therefore suffix manufacturer or batch no. with a letter - A, - B, - C etc. Therefore you can always change the Bin/Location of each 1L later on. On Product Made and Despatch screen only batches with identical Bin/Locations can be processed as all components must be in same place to be used! Product Made 'inherits' the Bin/Location of the components. Leave blank/ignore if you don't need this.

Ability to add to notes on Delivery: When you change delivery to Complete or alter Delivery date an input box appears allowing you to add to (but not edit or delete) the original Purchase Order note, as long as space allows. Today's date now entered by default for Delivery date also.

User area improved: Better layout. Easy attachment of any document anywhere on your computer. Only images show as thumbnails. Better sorting, grouping and finding.

Graphical enhancements: All Forms white in colour. Required fields highlighted in light Red with asterisk and option to refresh, active control highlighted in light Green. Tabs added to group and spread information/buttons out and make it easier to understand and access.

On screen help box that changes as you tab through each control giving instant on screen help info. Can be switched off in Reference if required, switching off turns off main screen pop ups also.

Date Range Tool Adds preset dates as options e.g. Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month This Year, Last Year etc. to instantly show your preferred range without having to enter dates. Today is now default to speed up opening report, if No data then option to change to All/custom date option or other time period to see any records.

Minor Updates and Bug Fixes

Organic Ingredients Calculator report design improved. Order Invoice/Payments status/history added to Customer record. Click Order number to display invoice. Click payment amount to see details of payments or Payments button to see whole payments history for that customer. DSHEA/Organic Option added to Product screen to view/select these items only. Selection retained across various reports etc. Products reports include DSHEA/Organic status and % also Safe Dose % if entered. Address Labels within BM (Customers, Deliver To, Suppliers) all resized to fit standard L7163 14 per page labels. Log Report and Audit Report date ranges improved to display activity for today. Automatic Screen resize has been enabled for some screens to allow better viewing on laptops etc. Selection/Filtering improved on Supplier screen in relation to products area. Navigation improved. All screens allow logical tabbing between controls and tabs. All stock now showing on Stock screen. After a few reports and investigation this 'bug' has now been fully resolved. Filtering improved on all reports from Customer, Products and Supplier selection screens that use the Date Range tool. Also improved on all selection screens. Label Printing for all labels from within BM (not just Label Makers) you can now choose the print start position and number of copies of labels. All labels have also been checked and automatic text resize included for ingredients, product names and instructions ensuring full text fits. Display of CPT and ICD items corrected in Business Monitor Tool. These items are also now prevented from appearing in Purchase Order screens as they renew automatically. Code Manager bug fix also included in next release, also Code Manager pages redesigned featuring Exit button on Import screen and better interface for Code Manager screen:

http://www.herbalmedicineuk.com/batchma ... p?f=2&t=68

Released! Batch Master PRO 13.3.3. (This is the current version) has now been released! All previous customers are entitled to a FREE upgrade if required. You will need to produce a Removal Code for each current Batch Master license you hold as the license system has been updated (if lower than 12.2.1. only). For further help contact support: support@herbalmedicineuk.com

If you are a current customer using 12.2.1 or above on a 32 or 64 bit computer, a Quick Updater has been released into the Batch Master support centre. Back up your data file first then just download and run to update quickly to 13.3.3.

If you are running a lower version than 12.2.1 then you'll have to back up your data file, obtain a Removal Code for your current version then uninstall completely and restart/reboot your computer before installing the newest version. (See Email you were sent)

Windows 8:

Both 32 bit and 64 bit versions work well! Seems to run faster on Windows 8! Deeper testing needed but for now all main areas seem to work well. Please report any bugs!

Minor error message seen with 32 bit version after Delete button (no problem, just message!, use Delete key to eliminate or ignore message).

IMPORTANT: You must have made the browser choice before installing, otherwise installation will hang ... Choice of browser not important.

Work is continuing on:

CMS 1500 Form.

Looking into HIPPA compliant server communication for direct interaction with clearing houses.


More options on how data is displayed, dynamic sorting on fields. To be configured as part of Clinical Audit Tool.

64 Bit Version.

This is ready to use for Windows 7 64 bit computers, with or without Office/Access 2007 or higher (NOTHING LOWER!). Currently, accounts extraction may have problems. However apart from this it will install and run fully for use. These issues will be resolved. It's fast! Should also work on Windows XP 64 bit computers (not tested) but installs and uses Access 2007 Runtime so check compatibility with any lower versions of Office or Access you may have installed.

Clinical Audit Tool.

Will enable linking of Batch Master PRO customers data with *conditions, *diagnosis, diet, supplements and treatments for extensive analysis. *SNOMED and *ICD codes will be used but you may also add your own diagnosis, conditions, supplements etc. in your own words if you prefer! This tool will be optional, seperately purchased and licensed but work fully integrated with your current BM data.

S.O.A.P. Note Template.

Can be attached to Customer Record. For those who like to input client data in this way.

Testing integration with mySQL back end for tablet and Mac/Linux versions!


A Mac/iPhone App/Linux version! PC users will be given the option of a free transfer window to this on the condition of being able to produce a correct removal code. No exceptions! Tablet version may be a seperately purchased App that links with your main Batch Master PRO desktop version.

Feedback always welcome we listen and where feasible action![/color]
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