Grain-rich food makes up less than 15 percent of an American’s total diet
The lack of grainy foods is causing a decrease in critical nutrients like fiber, calcium and iron
The research team noted that things like bread are less caloric and more important for a healthy diet than people are lead to believe
Contrary to popular belief Americans don’t have enough bread in their diet, a new study has found.
The study, which was conducted by the Grain Foods Foundation, shows that consumption of grain-rich foods such as bread, rolls, tortillas and ready-to-eat cereals is less than 15 percent of an individual’s total diet.
However, guidelines say 30 percent of our meals should consist of grains.
Experts warn that a lack of grainy foods is causing a decrease in critical and healthy nutrients that are required for a balanced diet.
The research team noted that the findings show that Americans should think twice about cutting out carbs to try and lose weight.
‘Grain foods are the foods we love that love us back,’ co-author Yanni Papanikolaou said. ‘Finally, we can enjoy bread again.’
The American lifestyle is making more people constipated than ever.
For many the condition is just an aggravation, but to others it’s daily agony that in some cases can be dangerous and deadly.
A recent survey conducted by the American Gastroenterological Association shows that 16 percent of Americans – including one third of people over 60 – experience chronic constipation.
Constipation is defined as an individual passing fewer than three stools a week and straining to have bowel movement to a point as though there is a noticeable blockage.
It can be considered chronic when individuals experience symptoms multiple times in a three-month period.
Dr David Dunkin, a pediatric gastroenterologist at Mount Sinai in New York, told Daily Mail Online that one of the most common causes of constipation is an individual’s diet.
The Western diet, which is full of processed high-fat foods, has contributed significantly to the epidemic.
‘Most constipation is caused when people are eating a lot of processed foods and not enough fibers,’ Dr Dunkin said.
New York City dietitian and nutritionist Limor Baum told Daily Mail Online that low-carb diets are also the cause.
‘A lot of people do these low-carb high protein diets and are completely cutting out all those good fibrous carbs that help with gut health and digestion,’ Baum explained.
A team of researchers looked at what adults are eating and how it contributes to growing shortfalls of nutrients, which has become an issue in Americans’ diets.
That shortfall of key nutrients has cause public health concerns in many American communities.
The team looked at dietary surveys from more than 10,000 adults over the age of 19, which were collected by the National Center for Health Statistics at the CDC.
The survey asked participants to recall all they ate in the past 24 hours. The data were then analyzed in men and women, and researchers looked at the consumption of all of the grains.
They also broke the responses down into sub-categories, such as whether people were eating breads, rolls, tortillas, ready-to-eat cereals, cook grains, quick brads and sweet bakery products.
The team looked at the contribution of each of these products to the average American’s daily required amount of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.
They were specifically looking to see how the lack of grains in an individual’s diet can contribute to a shortfall of important nutrients – particularly fiber, folate, magnesium, calcium, and iron.
The research team noted that though they might have an unhealthy reputation, grain foods are often nutrient-packed and less caloric than people have been led to believe.
Many of the most popular sources of grainy foods – breads, rolls, tortillas and cereals – contribute significantly to dietary fiber, thiamin, folate, iron, zinc and niacin levels that are critically important to the diet of American adults.
‘The nutrient contribution of all whole and refined grain food products, including breads, rolls and tortillas and ready-to-eat cereals, can play a key role in helping American adults meet recommendations for under-consumed nutrients and nutrients of public health concern,’ Papanikolaou, who is the vice president at Nutritional Strategies Inc, explained.
‘We all know that The Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming half of our grains as whole grains.
‘But refined, enriched grains, including breads, rolls, cooked and ready-to-eat cereals also can provide meaningful contributions to the diet of all Americans. So, there is no need to eliminate these from you diet.’
Source: Daily Mail