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   Dec 10

Why drinking hot lemon in the morning DOES improve your health: A slice of the fruit in hot water can aid weight loss, help combat colds and keep you looking young

Infographic by health website DYLN reveals the ten benefits of lemon water

Vitamin C in the lemon boosts collagen production, keeping skin youthful

Boosts the metabolic rate and can reduce your blood and liver cholesterol

If you are on the path to better health, this daily trick to alkalise your water could hardly be an easier place to start.

A new infographic by health website DYLN reveals the ways drinking lemon water daily can improve your health.

The graphic lays out the top ten scientific explanations as to why lemon water is so good for you, including helping to keep skin youthful, supercharging your immune system and aiding weight loss.

An infographic by health website DYLN reveals the ways drinking lemon water daily can improve your health

According to the site, lemon water gives an alkalising, energising and revitalising boost that will help you fight common illnesses and signs of ageing.

Immune system supercharge

If you’re going to be catching a flight or spending time with lots of children, you can avoid the flu or the common cold by loading up on Vitamin C beforehand.

Youthful skin

Lemons also contain antioxidants which help fight against skin damage from free radicals, sunlight, pollutants and toxins in your body. Vitamin C also helps your fight against the ageing process, boosting collagen synthesis in the skin.

Weight loss

Lemon water inhibits the synthesis of certain fats in the body, and can reduce your blood and liver cholesterol levels, while giving your metabolism a boost.

Alkalise your body

Lemons have an overall alkalising effect on the body. Your kidneys carefully regulate your blood to stay around pH7.4, but you can lighten their load with lemon water.

Super digestion

Lemon water will cleanse the bowels and the digestive tracts, flushing out lingering toxins on its way through.

Liver and kidney detox

Lemons cleanse and boost the liver, providing energy to liver enzymes when they are too diluted and thus helping to filter toxins out of the blood.

Energy boost

Have you been feeling more tired than usual, even after a good sleep? Vitamin C is essential for helping ward off anaemia, because it helps your body absorb iron.

Cancer busting

Lemons are bursting with antioxidants in the form of flavonoids and Vitamin C, both of which help to rid your body of unwanted free radicals and decrease your risks of developing cancer.

Healthy body

Lemon water is also rich in potassium, an essential mineral that helps brain and never functioning and keeps blood pressure under control.

Fresh breath

A gently anti-microbial property of lemon water is perfect for freshening your breath and staving off gum disease.

Source: Daily Mail

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