Indirubin inhibits cell proliferation, migration, invasion a

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Indirubin inhibits cell proliferation, migration, invasion a

Postby herbsandhelpers » Thu May 31, 2018 11:18 am

Indirubin inhibits cell proliferation, migration, invasion and angiogenesis in tumor-derived endothelial cells


Authors Li Z, Zhu C, An B, Chen Y, He X, Qian L, Lan L, Li S

Received 23 November 2017

Accepted for publication 11 March 2018

Published 18 May 2018 Volume 2018:11 Pages 2937—2944


Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Pietersz

Zhuohong Li, Chaofu Zhu, Baiping An, Yu Chen, Xiuyun He, Lin Qian, Lan Lan, Shijie Li

Department of Oncology, The Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Purpose: Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most predominant malignancies with high fatality rate and its incidence is rising at an alarming rate because of its resistance to radio- and chemotherapy. Indirubin is the major active anti-tumor ingredient of a traditional Chinese herbal medicine. The present study aimed to analyze the effects of indirubin on cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis of tumor-derived endothelial cells (Td-EC).
Methods: Td-EC were derived from human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by treating HUVEC with the conditioned medium of human liver cancer cell line HepG2. Cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis were assessed by MTT, wound healing, in vitro cell invasion, and in vitro tube formation assay.
Results: Td-EC were successfully obtained from HUVEC cultured with 50% culture supernatant from serum-starved HepG2 cells. Indirubin significantly inhibited Td-EC proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Indirubin also inhibited Td-EC migration, invasion, and angiogenesis. However, indirubin’s effects were weaker on HUVEC than Td-EC.
Conclusion: Indirubin significantly inhibited Td-EC proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis.

Keywords: indirubin, Td-EC, proliferation, migration, invasion, angiogenesis

Source: Dove Medical Press
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