From sour cherries to PEANUTS, the surprising tricks to help

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From sour cherries to PEANUTS, the surprising tricks to help

Postby herbsandhelpers » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:38 pm

From sour cherries to PEANUTS, the surprising tricks to help you recover from a gruelling workout

Certain foods can help you recover from cramps and muscle soreness

Snacking on turmeric, salmon and yoghurt can speed up your recovery

While a handful of peanuts can keep energy levels high after a workout

Personal trainer and KP Nuts brand ambassador Ollie Frost offers his tips

If you've kicked off 2017 with a brand new gym membership, chances are you've been busy working on your squats, lunges and bicep curls.

But while you may know your way around a cross trainer, it's just as important to know how to look after your body after a gruelling workout.

While a healthy exercise regime is a good start, if you're not eating the right things afterwards you may be putting yourself at risk of muscle cramp, joint pain and even dizziness.

FEMAIL spoke to personal trainer Ollie Frost to find out the simple tricks that will help you recover from your gym session in record time.

Personal trainer Ollie Frost says it's wise to snack on tart cherries as they contain powerful antioxidants and flavonoids which combat 'free radicals' that can cause inflammation

Tart cherries

Cherries contain powerful antioxidants and flavonoids which combat 'free radicals' that are produced in the body following exercise, acting as an inflammatory agent for the body.

Avoid muscle soreness and fatigue after a workout by consuming cherries, as they will help avoid muscle soreness and fatigue.


Peanuts are a wonder food. They contain healthy fats such as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and offer multiple nutrients and minerals such as fiber and vitamins B3, B6 and B7.

A good source of protein, peanuts can have a positive effect on appetite - a couple of handfuls of peanuts can offer up to 7 grams of protein, making them a quick and nutritious snack to keep energy levels high after a workout and prepare your energy for your next session.

Ollie hails peanuts a 'wonder food' as they contain healthy fats such as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and offer multiple nutrients and minerals such as fiber and vitamins B3

Sleep like a baby

A single night of sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in cortisol the stress hormone which can delay recovery after a workout.

Good news is exercise promotes good sleep, to improve sleep quality further turn of all technology two hours before bed, smart phones and tablets produce something called the blue light which suppresses melatonin (the sleep hormone).

Magnesium rich foods

The body utilises magnesium for muscle contractions. Snacking on foods such as dark leafy greens, yoghurt and bananas will help reduce lactic acid build-up which a bi-product of strenuous exercise and intense workouts.

The benefit of reducing lactic acid build up means your body recovers a lot quicker, meaning you won’t be feeling a world of pain after a workout!

Cold bath

Take the plunge and run a cold bath. The cold therapy will help repair muscle tissue tears from intensive or repetitive workouts.

The cold water constricts blood vessels helping promote the removal of waste products (such as lactic acid) in the body and helping to reduce muscle soreness as a result.

Take a cold bath: Chilly water constricts blood vessels, helping promote the removal of waste products (such as lactic acid) in the body and reducing muscle soreness as a result


Curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric that helps alleviate joint pain and increase recovery time, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

In fact, studies have proven that turmeric is just as powerful as some anti-inflammatory prescription medications. Take turmeric before a workout to help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.

Natural protein sources

Processed protein products can lack a list of vital nutrients which occur in foods that naturally contain protein.

Natural protein sources such as salmon contain omega-3, while yogurt is packed with calcium. Yes, protein supplements are more convenient - but choosing natural protein sources will speed up your recovery time by boosting your overall energy levels.


In order to reduce recovery time following a workout, make sure you’re doing more than just passive stretching. As babies we are born with full range of motion and as we get older due to inactivity and lifestyle, this range of movement decreases.

Focus on each joint of your body working the full range of motion spending concentrated time on each. Having an increased range of movement will improve movement efficiency and help prevent injury at the same time boosting workout recovery times.

Source: Daily Mail
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