Why BROCCOLI could reverse the signs of ageing: Compound in

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Why BROCCOLI could reverse the signs of ageing: Compound in

Postby herbsandhelpers » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:28 pm

Why BROCCOLI could reverse the signs of ageing: Compound in the vegetable 'slows down vision loss and middle-age spread'

Experts believe the loss of energy production is a key driver of ageing
But nicotinamide mononucleotide compensated for the reduction

Found in broccoli, it slowed the deterioration of the eye and metabolism

Physical signs of ageing could be slowed down by a compound found in broccoli, cabbage and avocado, scientists claim.

It slowed down the deterioration of liver and eye function, bone density and the metabolism, a new study found.

While it was found to prevent laboratory mice from gaining weight as they aged - despite consuming more food.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) compensated for the loss of energy production, which experts believe is a key driver of the body's ageing process.

A compound found in broccoli slowed down the deterioration of liver function, bone density, eye function, a new study found

Researchers tested the compound on older mice to see if it helped to slow their physical ageing signs.

They were also keen to find out if it could alter their metabolism to one expected in younger animals.

Study author Professor Dr Shin-ichiro Imai, from Washington University, St Louis, said: 'We have shown a way to slow the physiologic decline that we see in ageing mice.

'This means older mice have metabolism and energy levels resembling that of younger mice.

'Since human cells rely on this same energy production process, we are hopeful this will translate into a method to help people remain healthier as they age.'

With age, the body is known to lose its ability to make a key element required for producing energy - known as nicotinamide adenine dinulceotide (NAD).

Previous research has shown NAD levels decrease as mice age and it is not effective when given directly to mice.

To boost levels, the researchers had to go one step backwards in the supply chain to find NMN.

While it was also found to prevent laboratory mice from gaining weight as they aged - despite consuming more food, suggesting it altered their metabolism

When dissolved in drinking water and given to mice, the compound appears in the bloodstream in less than three minutes.

This is quickly converted to NAD in multiple tissues, scientists found.

But researchers warned the compound was only beneficial to older mice and it showed no promise to younger animals.

Co-author Dr Jun Yoshino said: 'When we give NMN to the young mice, they do not become healthier young mice

'NMN supplementation has no effect in the young mice because they are still making plenty of their own NMN.

'We suspect that the increase in inflammation that happens with ageing reduces the body’s ability to make NMN and, by extension, NAD.'

The study was published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

Source: Daily Mail
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