Recipe: Mediterranean Roast Vegetables and Chickpea Salad

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Recipe: Mediterranean Roast Vegetables and Chickpea Salad

Postby herbsandhelpers » Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:35 am

Mediterranean Roast Vegetables and Chickpea Salad 

with Creamy Roast Garlic Dressing


1 tin of chickpeas
1 aubergine chopped into inch small cubes
1 red and 1 orange pepper chopped as above
1 medium red onion diced
1 large courgette chopped as above
10 cherry tomatoes 
8 sun dried tomatoes finely sliced
8 good size garlic cloves
2 teaspoon of dried oregano
1 tsp salt
few grinds of black pepper
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Chop all the vegetables into approximate inch size cubes and put into a large roasting tin so they are in one layer. Leave out the sundried tomatoes.
Pour on the olive oil, sprinkle on the oregano, salt and pepper and mix to coat.
Choose 8 good size garlic cloves. Leave on their outer papery covering and slice off the bottom of each clove. Wrap them loosely in tin foil and put next to the vegetables to roast.
Roast for 30 minutes on gas mark 6 or electric 200.
Remove the veg and the garlic from the oven and leave to cool.
Put the veg into a bowl and stir in the drained chickpeas and the sun dried tomatoes.


8 roasted cloves of garlic
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp cider vinegar
1 tsp smooth dijon mustard
1 tsp honey
Feta cheese and black olives for garnish.


Measure out the ingredients into a small bowl.
When the garlic is cool enough to handle squeeze each clove from its papery cover into the dressing ingredients. Whizz with a hand blender until thick and creamy.
Stir the dressing into the vegetables and chickpeas.
In a serving bowl arrange some mixed lettuce leaves and spoon over the roast vegetable mixture.
Scatter with the  feta cheese (if using), olives and some chopped parsley.

Recipe by Liz Nolan
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