Every Single Adaptogenic Herb Out There — Try All 13!

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Every Single Adaptogenic Herb Out There — Try All 13!

Postby herbsandhelpers » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:48 pm

Every Single Adaptogenic Herb Out There — Try All 13!

If you never got a Hogwarts letter, adaptogens are as close to magic as you’ll likely ever get. An adaptogenic herb has the unique capacity to reduce the levels of stress hormones in your blood, helping you to “adapt” more easily to difficult environments, such as cold, a stressful work situation, or fatigue.

In the non-Western world, adaptogens are often used in high-risk occupations to reduce job-related stress, and in the West, they’re quickly gaining traction as well.

The issue with adaptogens is that there are many herbs that want to join the party, but only a few deserve the title.

“This is a very, very exclusive class in which there are a few plants,” says Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter.

“A true adaptogenic herb helps you to adapt to all forms of physical and mental stress, whatever they might be — whether it’s cold temperature or a lousy commute or work pressure,” he says. “And additionally, it must be basically harmless.”

This means that you can take adaptogens every day, and you don’t need to worry about taking too much. “It’s kind of like showering,” says Kilham. “You don’t have to shower every day, but it’s not a bad idea. And it’s not like if you shower every day, you won’t get as clean as if you only shower twice a week.”

Kilham also notes that, as opposed to many beneficial herbs and plants like antioxidant-rich blueberries and ginger, adaptogens are versatile. “They support virtually every system in the body in some measurable ways,” says Kilham. “And so that makes them special.”

“Adaptogens lower blood levels of stress hormones. Demonstrably. And you’re not gonna get that with blueberries. You’re not gonna get that with ginger. Despite the fact that blueberries and ginger and garlic are phenomenal, phenomenal plants.”

Every Adaptogenic Herb You Should Try (All 13)

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha or Withania somnifera is an adaptogenic herb known as the “strength of the stallion” in India. It is one of the most famous adaptogens and is touted by many as being the most powerful.

It’s traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to strengthen the immune system after illness, and it has also been proven to improve thyroid function, treat adrenal fatigue, reduce anxiety, and combat the effects of stress on the body.

“Ashwagandha is great for the adrenal glands,” says naturopathic Doctor Serena Goldstein, who notes that it can help balance stress due to its ability to regulate cortisol.

“It’s also great for when people are ‘on the floor’ tired mostly due to thyroid/adrenal concerns.”

She does, however, note that it is a member of the nightshade family, which means that it should be avoided by some people, particularly those on an anti-inflammatory diet.

2. Astragalus

This is one of Goldstein’s favorite adaptogens. Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries, this adaptogenic herb has been shown to protect the body against disease and support the liver.

“It’s very toning, and also great for the cardiovascular system, immune system, and digestion, in addition to the nervous system,” says Goldstein.

Astragalus is occasionally used topically for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and in the United States, researchers have looked at using it as a treatment for those who have weakened immune systems due to cancer treatments or AIDS.

3. Eleuthero

Once known as Siberian ginseng, and still occasionally known as wucha or ciwujia, eleluthero has historically been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to invigorate sexual function and boost vital energy.

Chinese herbalist Li Shi-Chen wrote in his 1596 treatise on herbal medicine Ben Cao Gang Mu, “I would rather have a handful of Wucha than a cartload of gold and jewels.” That’s pretty high praise.

4. Holy Basil

Holy basil, also known as tulsi, helps enhance the body’s natural response to physical and emotional stress, helping our physiology to better react to stressors.

There are many proven benefits to consuming holy basil, including cancer prevention, skincare, reduced anxiety, and reduced blood glucose in diabetes sufferers.

5. Jiaogulan

Jiaogulan is an adaptogen that Kilham only recently discovered on his travels to Southeast Asia. A member of the pumpkin family, the plant contains enormous quantities of compounds similar to those found in ginseng.

“It has a reputation as an immortality herb,” says Kilham. “And it’s great stuff- it shows benefits for the heart and for immunity and for brain function.”

While it’s not too common in the West yet, it may just be the next big thing.

6. Maca

Maca is occasionally called “Peruvian ginseng,” despite having no relation to the Asian plant. Maca is, however, revered in ancient Incan culture for its ability to increase strength, energy, and stamina, just like ginseng — and even more, for its ability to improve libido and sexual function.

Scientific evidence of these claims remain limited for now, but anecdotal evidence shows that it can improve semen quality, relieve symptoms of menopause, and reduce enlarged prostates.

Georgetown University Medical Center professor Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD, says, “Maca might have a positive effect on sexual dysfunction. Yet there are so many psychological and social aspects when measuring sexual healing that it is hard to be conclusive.”

7. Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng or Asian ginseng is used to rejuvenate and invigorate the body in Traditional Chinese Medicine, stimulating the body and improving energy and stamina. It’s one of the most common adaptogens, used in many energy drinks.

8. Panax Quinquefolius

Also known as American ginseng, this adaptogenic herb is known in Traditional Chinese Medicine for promoting yin (shadow, cold, negative, female) energy, as opposed to Asian ginseng, which promotes yang (sunshine, hot, positive, male) energy.

Unlike its Asian counterpart, renowned for boosting energy, American ginseng is used for its calming and tonic properties.

9. Reishi Mushrooms

Red Reishi, also known as Ling Zhi in Chinese, is a non-toxic mushroom that is excellent for regulating the immune system and organ function. When taken regularly, reishi mushrooms improve liver function, reduce cancer risk, and can even lower blood pressure.

Some studies have also shown that the ganoderic acids in reishi mushrooms can also help alleviate common allergies and asthma, due to their natural antihistaminic properties.

10. Rhaponticum

Rhaponticum carthamoides root is chock full of antioxidants, helping to promote cell health and even to reduce blood lipids. Some studies have shown that rhaponticum can help stimulate the nervous system and memory.

Rhaponticum is, however, best known for its abilities to replicate the effects of steroids — all-naturally, of course. Rhaponticum can help accelerate weight gain, particularly in skeletal muscles, completely independent of testosterone. The result is increased muscle mass without the use of anabolic steroids, meaning that rhaponticum is ideal for people looking to increase bulk in a healthy way via weight training.

11. Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola is an interesting herb and one of the most popular in Siberia. According to Goldstein, the herb can be stimulating at low doses and becomes calming at higher doses. It reduces the effects of stress on the body and can reduce fatigue as well.

This is one of Kilham’s favorite adaptogenic herbs, and he takes it regularly, notably to help his body deal with the stress of cold water while surfing.

“I don’t think there’s anything that compares with rhodiola; I think it is at the top of the list,” he says. “There are people who would say, ashwaghanda’s at the top of the list, but I think rhodiola is the most profound of the bunch.”

12. Schisandra

Schisandra, also known as the “Five Flavored Berry,” is a general tonic that decreases fatigue and increases endurance and physical performance. Named for its sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent flavors, Schisandra is often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for longevity, energy, and as a sexual tonic.

13. Sea Buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is a super fruit that contains all of the omegas — not just 3, 6, and 9, but also the ultra-rare 7 — as well as more than 60 antioxidants and at least 20 minerals. Known as “Holy Fruit” in the Himalayan Mountains where it is grown, it is often used to improve skin health, as it has been linked to healing psoriasis and to slowing aging. It can also be used to improve gastrointestinal disorders and colon health.

This is a pretty complete list – for now. As Kilham explains, “There are lots of herbs out there that occupy important places in the traditional medicines or the cultures of various people that we just don’t know of yet.”

Source: Organic Authority
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