Recipes for Health: Potatoes

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Recipes for Health: Potatoes

Postby herbsandhelpers » Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:15 pm

Recipes for Health: Potatoes

Potatoes fell out of fashion during the low-carb diet boom years, which is too bad because potatoes are high in B vitamins and vitamin C, potassium and fiber, with some protein and lots of complex carbohydrates. A plain, 7-ounce baked potato eaten with the skin contains half the daily amounts of vitamins C and B6 recommended for adults, with only 220 calories and zero grams of fat. Particularly starchy varieties like Idahos do have a high glycemic index, which is significant if you suffer from diabetes or insulin resistance. Otherwise, potatoes — one of the world’s most widely eaten vegetables — are nutritious and sustaining.

Instead of adding saturated fat to baked potatoes in the form of the butter or sour cream, a healthy dollop of plain yogurt can be used to moisten them. It’s important to keep the skins on whenever possible because most of the fiber and potassium is located in the skin of the potato, and most of the vitamin C is in the flesh closest to the skin. But this is where pesticide residues reside as well, so seek out organic potatoes. They’re easy to find in farmers’ markets, and fun to shop for, too. One rule of thumb for choosing between the many available varieties: the more color in the potato flesh, the more nutrients there will be.
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