Eczema and Dry Skin

Information provided for interest only. Always consult your GP/MD or practitioner regarding any health issues or treatment.

Any references here to treat or treatment are confined to the article or research as presented.

If you have any queries about this then Herbs and Helpers will be happy to clarify verbally.

Eczema and Dry Skin

Postby herbsandhelpers » Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:20 pm

ECZEMA AND DRY SKIN: Any breakdown in the skin surface can result in pain, discomfort, itching, bleeding, weeping, flaking and scaling. The skin can be attacked externally by many items e.g. detergents, household cleaners, cosmetics. Certain individuals can have a more reactive immune system e.g. atopic eczema. From the Chinese perspective wind, heat and damp can build up and lodge in the skin.

DIET: Tackle any food sensitivities. Reduce spicy, fried, greasy, hot energy foods. Check for deficiences in vitamin C, zinc, general vitamin and minerals.

OTHER AREAS: Keep skin clean, do not let it dry out excessively and always protect from potential harmful substances. Moderate sunshine (do not burn to any degree).

SUPPORT: Contact the National Eczema Society

Always consult your GP or practitioner for diagnosis regarding any changes you may have noticed in this area and before considering changing your diet/lifestyle.
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